lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


2nd. April / Classes 5 and 6

Workbook page 76 / READING: Exercise 1 Answer the questions using the tweets on page 75 of the Student´s book. (Contesta las preguntas utilizando los tweets de la página 75 del Student`s).
Exercise 2: Read the dialogue from a TV show and answer the questions.
Exercise 3: Mark the sentences with true (T) or false (F).

Workbook page 77/ Exercise 1 read the text and answer Who is calling to Nicole?.
Exercise 2: Match the parts of the phrases use the text on exercise 1.
Exercise 3:
1.Choose a place (Imagina que es domingo y tienes que elegir un lugar).
2.Write the verbs and write the activities that you like to do. (Escribe que te gustaría hacer en el lugar que elegiste)
3.Something happens.( Estás en el lugar que elegiste, haciendo lo que quisueras pero de pronto pasa algo, escribe que sucedería para que cambie lo qu estás haciendo).
4.Use your notes to complete the text about Sunday afternoon. Completa todo lo que harías en una tarde de domingo, puedes usar el present continuous.

Workbook page 78/
Exercise 3 Put Grandpa´s answer in the correct order
Example: love/English/I/learning/ = I love learning English.
Exercise 4: Imagine that Philip is interviewing you. Complete the answers so they are true for you. (Contesta las preguntas como si te estuvieran entrevistando a ti).